The Travel Simulation Day
This is a day where the students of each Expedition team work together to travel through their home city with their Antipodeans Abroad Leader and teaching staff. The team visits a number of sites in the city while using different methods of transport (usually including train, bus, ferry and hiking) to simulate what travel is like on an Expedition.
On a sunny day last month, our NSW teams came together from schools such as Roseville College, Brigidine College, Loreto Normanhurst to participate in their simulation day, and begin the preparation for their Expedition.
The students of each team are responsible for planning the day and this starts in the morning when each team is divided into smaller groups and each group is then responsible for choosing a site of historical, cultural or geographical interest in the city. Each group then has to work within certain constraints (budget, time, geographical limitations) and plan their day. Then the entire team joins together to execute the plan and explore the city!
While some groups chose to stay in the city, discovering The Rocks and Darling Harbour, other teams ventured out via ferry to Manly on the northern beaches.
The travel simulation day is an important step in the preparation and training for each Expedition team. The day affords the travellers and an opportunity to work together and practise the different leadership roles on an Expedition while focusing on sites of geographical, cultural and historical importance and all of this takes place in a city they know well – a pretty handy simulation of what they are likely to experience while on Expedition!
Seems like it was a great day out.