Thursday, 30 June 2011

Sceggs Darlinghurst students settle into Uganda

To the Sceggs Darlinghurst Community, family and friends of all the students in Uganda.

Both teams are having a wonderful experience and being over whelmed with the generosity and friendly nature of the Ugandan People. The students have been very motivated in maximizing their experience. The open day at the school (on Tuesday) was a great day with many people from the school community joining the Sceggs team in celebrating the giving spirit of the Sceggs Community. Lots of dancing/singing and funny moments.

Today Team B is visiting Kampala and have been enlightened by the work being done at Bullrushes Orphanage. This afternoon the girls are getting traditional braides in their hair and having some time out.
Team A is doing project work at Kikandwa School and staying in tents on the school grounds.

We would love to tell you more but the world is waiting outside the door and this is where we all want to be.

The students and teachers are in good health and taking up all the challenges that come their way.

kind regards,
Peter Cross
Team B Antipodeans Leader


  1. Vicarious Travellers30 June 2011 at 12:23

    Hi Meg, the B Team and fellow travellers. We've been hanging out for an update and are thrilled to hear you're all having a great time (how could you not!)We miss you heaps and greedily await more news; life in Sydney is so dull by comparison.
    lots love,
    Meli, Tim & Issi xxx

  2. Hi Georgie

    I am still stuck in Sydney as our flight was delayed for 2 days. Fingers crossed we will be able to fly out to Buenos Aires tomorrow. It sounds like you are having a fantastic time in Uganda. Looking forward to hearing all the travel stories and seeing all the photos.Keep in touch. I will try to blog again but will be on the trek from 5 July till 8 july so will be out of touch then.Have a fantastic time.
    Missing you . Love Mum

  3. hi georgie, annie, liv, tilly, lilly, laura, ac, grace, mimi (i think thats eveyone)

    i hope you are all having the best time, i bet you are, i missing you all heaps and i can't wait to see more photo of your trip! ahh sydney is really boring, i wish you guys were here but i can't wait to see you all and hear about the trip. hope your meeting nice people and just miss you all heaps. love you all. christiane xoxoxoox

  4. Hi Mimi
    Great to hear you are all safe and well and having fun! Jamie is at the farm with Harry and we will head down to the snow on Sat, visiting Mark on the way. Everyone sends lots of love - Papa doing well and Gama now walking around in a pair of new joggers like yours!
    Love Mum

  5. Jambo Georgie, we are getting ready to go to the snow. We miss you so much but are sure you are having a great time. The builders have started. Tuta onana. Love Mum, Dad, Tom and AG xxxx

  6. Hi Tilly it's Grandy, bet you didn,t know I could navigate byway around the net, hope you have a great time, lots of love, Grandy

  7. Hi Lizzie, Great to hear is all is going well. Lots of new things to see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Bet the SCEGGS team looks cool with the hair braids. Enjoy every minute and don't forget keep the diary and take lots of photos. Love Dad, Mum and james xoxoxoxo

  8. Bonjour Rar,
    It sounds like you're having a marvellous time!
    All the french exchange students arrived today and we just went out for dinner at cuchinetta (across the road from the woolwich hotel). Victor says hello and we're about to have a cake for his birthday. Tomorrow is my 21st birthday...just incase you forgot and on saturday we're all heading to the snow woo hoo what a contrast to the temperatures you're probably experiencing!
    Anyway that's all from us!
    Enjoy the rest of the trip and take lots of photos!!
    Love Pip, Andy, Victor, Mum & Dad

  9. Hi Moo

    Great to hear you made it there ok and are having a good time; everyone misses you. I can't say the house is quiet without you as the Kster is still here though!

    Mum didn't go to NY on Sunday - she got as far as customs and the dolts ripped her passport so she had to come back home and organise to get a new one.

    Dropped K at the airport this morning for Brisbane; touch wood she seemed fit and healthy, Mum and I are off up to Brisbane this afternoon. Its lucky in a way that she didn't go to NY as her deal is a bit messy and she probably wouldn't have been able to make it back this weekend for the ECC.

    On Sunday your L3's beat Drummoyne 6-5 and K's 14's beat SNB 16-3 (she scored 6).

    Will keep you posted how the tournament goes in Brisbane.

    Love All of Us

    ps have watched a few African wildlife doco's this week - am so jealous of you! Your safari will be awesome.

    pps there are 19 different Lion prides in the Ngorongoro Crater!

  10. Hi Maddy

    Hope you are enjoying Uganda. We heard you were delayed in Bangkok. Maybe you had time for some pad se yew?? Read about the braids: "Plait your hair??"
    Miss you - take lots of photos.
    Love Dad, mum, Soph, Darcy and Lulu xxxoxo

  11. Herro Sirry!!!!!!

  12. Hi Tilly and all b team, great to hear from you all. Tilly, we are in Melbourne and missing you sooooo much. Don't forget to take lots of photos. Keep safe and take on all the wonderful experiences that come your way. say hi to Simba...... From the safety of the car! Love and many hugs, mum, dad, Tess, Clo, Em, June, Michael and everyone in Melbourne xxx

  13. Hi tilly from your favorite person in the world,
    Great that b team is having a good time. We are all missing you here in Melbourne but wish I was with you having such an interesting time. Love and more love from June nd michael

  14. Hi LIZZIE R!!! Sup? How's Uganda? Is it hot? Take lots of photos and see if you can pat a lion but be careful of the hippos because they are dangerous.

    We are painting Katie's room, she's sleeping in your bed, hope you don't mind. She has rearranged all the furniture and taken all your posters down. (jokes)

    Lots of love from Mum, Dad, Katie, Matt and Poppy

    PS it's your turn on Words with Friends

  15. Hi Laura,
    sounds great. We are all well. Missing you.
    hakuma matata,
    Hamish, Penny, Alex, Smudge, Sootie, Olive

  16. Hi Fran,
    Great to hear yr all ok Look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the photos. How's the mud brick making going? Enjoy and have fun. Lots of love xoxo Mum and Louise

  17. Hi Remy

    We are all here at the table after tennis this afternoon - Dave, Nana, Joe, Dad, Milan, Richard, Lucile and moi. Hope you are working hard and having fun. It sounds like you have been busy. How are the braids? Everyone says hi and Dave says look out for Tarzan..! xx

  18. Hi Remy

    We are all here at the table after tennis this afternoon - Dave, Nana, Joe, Dad, Milan, Richard, Lucile and moi. Hope you are working hard and having fun. It sounds like you have been busy. How are the braids? Everyone says hi and Dave says look out for Tarzan..! xx

  19. hey mimi,
    it's lovely to see jj and sues but we're missing the mimster down here in tanja. safe journey and looking forward to seeing you soon.

    hugs from markus jani lucy and lexie

  20. hey emi
    no need for me to braid you hair anymore! leave it in till you come back - or take lots of pictures!
    had a few family functions for mums birthday everyone is asking about you!
    have fun - all well here
    the house is empty without you - missing you
    love xx
    kate, mum and dad

  21. great to get the update.....sounds fantastic......we're in sunny FNQ helping the Queenslanders get back on their feet.
    Miaaing you and can't wait to see the photos and hear all your're all so lucky!

    love Mum, dad, Jack, Liv and georgi and friend Mia

  22. Hi Loz and Lil
    Thanks for the email and so pleased you are having a great time. Dad and I had a fun weekend in Thredbo - I didn't fall over once! Enjoy the last 2 days of being 16 Loz and we look forward to hearing all the stories and seeing the photos. Lots of love Mum, Dad (and Oscar) x

  23. Hi Mimi
    Thrilled to hear that you spoke to Suse today and that you are well and that the bands are now OK and that you are off to Nairobi tomorrow. Look forward to seeing photos of the trip and hearing of all your experiences. Milo is missing you both very much and keeps us very busy with all his tricks
    With love from Papa and Gama

  24. Happy 17th birthday Loz!!!! We are all thinking of you today and hoping you're having a wonderful time. Glad you are with Lil and all your mates to celebrate this special day and we'll continue the festival when you get home.
    Lots of love and hugs from Mum, Dad, Oscar and all the Mostyn, Huntingdon and Ruthven families xox

  25. Hi Lauren


    Hope you are having the best time !

    Looking forward to hearing all about the adventures !

    Have the bestest day !

    Lots of Love

    Deb & Michael

    ps - OMG 17 !!!!
    pss - lot of love to Lil too

  26. Hi Mimi
    Thinking of you and hoping your braces are ok now - had a wonderful time with Spittles and Fendalls and Jamie now packing for his tour - missing you heaps and hope you are taking lots of photos!! Mum

  27. Hi Lizzie!!


    Hope you are having a great time and enjoying life in Africa. We also hope you have a wonderful birthday, one that you will never forget. You are ALWAYS away for your birthday and this year is no different. We're all missing you heaps!

    News from here. Matt went to the new Transformers movie and Katie is going to the midnight session of the Harry Potter movie on Tuesday night. Still working on Katie's room. Sonya and Uli had a baby boy! 11 pounds!!

    Bye for now. See you next week, take care and watch out for wild animals etc

    Lots of love from Mum, Dad, Katie, Matt and Poppy

    PS the Buzz and Poppy Club sent you a happy birthday email!

  28. Hi Lizzie, Not long before you head for home. Make the most of the last days. Only 4 more sleeps. The Reds won the Super 15 GF. Cadel Evans now 3rd in the Tour. Lots of nasty crashes, more this year than I can remember. Am picking you up on Friday. Can't wait to hear the stories. Love Dad, Mum and James.

  29. Hi Addi. Got your email today - sounds like you are having the time of your life. Sending you an email with more info but all is well here while missing you heaps. Can't wait to hear the stories on Friday. The Lehmanns
