Monday, 11 July 2011

Birthday Celebrations for our UniBreakers in Peru!?

Hello to all from Cusco, Peru. After Chile's volcanoe did it's best to delay or detour all of our flights into South America, all four of us made it to Sunny Cusco, eventually.

Ryan, Imogen and Emma got started teaching and working in the community of Pumamarca and with Maddy's help, quickly settled into the life of a volunteer on Peru's Challenge. On the friday of the first week, Jess arrived and was welcomed into her family. . . in style with a 'Welcome Cake', card and an Elephant with its trunk up. This small celebration was accompanied by a strangely familiar Happy Birthday - sounding song. Well at least she thought it was a welcome cake. The first night without Emma's fluency in Spanish proved interesting but fun.

A couple of nights later during dinner table conversation, Jess was saying (in English) how her birthday is in February. Emma turned to Jess and said, 'Wasn't your birthday a couple of days ago??', referring to the cake celebration. Jess began a cover up in Spanish, 'Yes, yes it was. Err I mean me hermana's birthday is in february'. Turns out that cake Jess had the other night was in fact a birthday cake!! Woops!! Some how Jess must have told them mistakingly that it was her birthday on that day. Not to worry, the cake was yummy and we'll just let that one slide with the family I think.

The first two weeks have been jam packed with plenty of good experiences, fun teaching and getting to know the locals from the communities. Emma spent thursday touring around Cusco watching miriad of street parades and festivals celebrating 100 years since thee discovery of Machu Picchu. This weekend we are heading out the the Sacred Valley to tour some Inca Ruins and Paraglide through the Valley.

Anyway we are all about to head out for our long awaited welcome dinner for the night,

Hope all is well back home,'

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