Monday, 11 July 2011

Jambo! from SCEGGS in Kenya before they head off on Safari

A quick hello from SCEGGS team B in Kenya... We had a great time in Nairobi; visited the elephant orphanage and the giraffes education centre. Enjoyed some western cuisine and a laid back afternoon in Nairobi. All the group is healthy and well and we are now in Arusha chilling until tomorrow morning where we commence our safari. If we have time we will drop another blog in on Tuesday. 



  1. Hi Georgie and Team B.Great to hear you are having a fabulous time and you are all well. I have just finished the 4 day trek to Machu Picchu so feeling exhausted and badly need a shower!!!Hope you had a fantastic time on safari this week . See you in a week.Love Mum xxx

  2. Laura and Team B,
    Great to hear from you, and that you're all well and thriving. Can't wait to see you. Enjoy this part of the trip, see you at the airport,
    love Mum, Dad, Alex, Smudge, Sooty and Olive.

  3. Fantastic and can't wait to see photos love mumxox
