Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Our UniBreak Health Science students making an impact in Cambodia!

Almost the end for our UniBreak students in Cambodia...

Just to let you know, the Sydney Uni Faculty of Health Science group left us and they all seemed extremely happy with their work and experience. We had a fantastic leaving dinner which everyone enjoyed and they all thanked us, the translators and drivers with cards and photos for our hard work. They have achieved so much in only 4 weeks, I only hope the center can maintain and utilise the resources they have been given. The FHS group promised they would promote to other students to do the module, purely to provide a consistent number of pysios to the centre.

The remaining five have a busy week ahead. Steph finishing the library at the primary School, Emma organising the volleyball tournament for the military men, Dan juggling between SHCC and school and Marie and Nat managing the classes without the others. Hayley will be sadly missed at the school. She was very motivated and had everything under control in terms of lesson planning. They have left a manual behind which is being translated into Khmer so the staff can continue afterthey have gone. The physios also have left an instruction manual behind which will count towards their course credits.

Yesterday Thomas and I took Dan, Emma and Marie out cycling and templing - we covered about 40KM so I am not sure how productive we will all be today!!

Thanks for sending a great group, can we have more like them?? It would be fantastic to have more physio students to sustain what these guys already started.

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