Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Murdoch University in Laos a great success

Seaung River, Laos
Murdoch University Nursing, UniBreak Group Placement, Laos, June/July 2011

First, the programme is a great success. The Supervisors, Caroline and Julie, have been extremely pleased with the clinical experience and the students are very proud of the amount of work being done. Last week they saw a great variety of cases and as this is the first medical group during rainy season, there were a number of new cases (ex Rheumatic Fever, Malaria, Scabies).

The students have also had to make some difficult decisions on the amount and type of care they can provide with some very difficult group discussions. This has meant some tears and emotions for the group but as the supervisors say, in a few months they will be professionals and asked to make tough decisions. The Murdoch group came across patients in need of transportation to the Luang Prabang Provincial Hospital twice last week - once for a woman with sceptic shock and a young girl suspected Malaria. During the transportation, one supervisor and two students accompanied the patients to provide care. This was a good learning experience for the students. – Graham, Murdoch University, Laos

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