Tuesday, 19 May 2009

You know you have left home when...

Written by Stephanie Rae - GapBreak Nepal 2009

1) you cant get to town to send an email for 2 weeks because the buses are on strike (cause there was a road accident and people wanted to kill the bus driver)
2) you think goats roaming around lke children is completely normal
3) you become pro at eating with one hand and swating flies with the other.
4) you get tea withdrawals sympotoms if you go a day without

5) you wear a dress type thing to swim.
6)whenever you think you are getting the hang of something i.e. washing your hair and/or clothes, someone else takes over cause you are doing it wrong.
7) you know that small blue eggs arent bplastic but rather real pigeon eggs and it is advisable not to squash them .
8) you respond to 3 names - isaph (how they \say steph), sita and didi (sister)
9) A brand new soccer ball losses colour, comes apart at the seem and gets a hole in it after less than a week.
10) you know that "small australian dog" means koala.

We've been in the village almost 3 weeks now and its pretty good, im loving it (besides the fact that i just had a bus ride from hell - bumpy road +hot day + stomach bug = unhappy chappies lol) but yeah its ok. ...

The mum of the family, Tim and Noirin were going to stay with is sick so they are staying with our *extended family* i.e. with our host dad's brother which means we are basically living toghether 'cause all 5 brothers live in connecting houses with this courtyard thing in the middle. I found out the other night that there are 52 members in the family! im only just starting to figure out who the 52 are. slowly. lol.
the kids are heaps cute and always follow you around -it was so cute on our second day when we walked to this big tree and and i sat down and the kids came and gave me rocks for about an hour saying toulo dunga, sano dunga, which is how i learnt big - toulo and small-sano in nepali.

The houses are really basic downstairs is cooking and eating eating with a little seat table thing, then upstairs are 3 bedrooms. Amanda and I have one with a big bed, which takes up the whole room, small room but we have an awesome window view of the hills + animals + toilet lol. when i wake up its sunrise and i open my eyes to see the sun coming over the hills its awesome.

Food. its okay i guess. when i got here I thought it was awesome, then it starting making me feel sick, then i started liking it again and now its like meh. its food I'll eat it.

School . taught in 2 schools already. boarding school (private) -- at the start for a week, was intense like 5 periods teaching a day, killed us . but then lower secondary school - the local school. pretty sweet taught 2 classes each - i did yr7 and 5. yr7 was weird cause i knew all kids from outside school but they were good and yr 5 heaps cute. they are heaps more well behaved than boarding school kids. more relaxed teaching now. tad scared going to the higher secondary tomorrow (school we are actually supposed to teach at) they seem heaps more organised and serious etc etc but im sure it'll be fine.
The computer teacher has left the lower secondary school which has given us the opportunity to teach the teachers how to use the computers so we can have a lasting positivie impact on the school.

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