Sunday, 24 January 2010

Update from Alyce - UniBreak Health volunteer in India

Harrowing,Exciting and the Mumbai revenge

This week began with another trip out on the medical van, maybe slightly more rewarding than the first week with regards to learning opportunities, I have realized that is just a really good way to explore the tribal villages and even with no Marahti under my belt yet, I have almost perfected the head wobble and the locals seem to find that fairly amusing along with my inability to keep my dupatta in place for any longer than 30 seconds even in the absence of wind or any movement on my part……
Decided I would start a project and presented it to the doctor on the medical van who shot it down quicker than I could get it out which was slightly demoralizing and yet so India, that I quickly reformulated and have decided instead to write a report on HIV infection in an attempt to preserve the already fatherless families that are rampant around Pen.
Had our first visit to the Leprosy clinic and saw some amazing ulcers which when described in graphic detail to our little family in the Pen guest house were met with fear and revulsion equally and I have come to realize that people with a medical background are of a class of their own and what I consider polite dinner conversation is obviously not……..
Went back to surgery and managed to stay a little longer but was overcome with intense travel sickness also named ‘Mumbai revenge’ amongst our little family was forced into the doctors toilet where I was confronted with the now familiar cup of water, but the not so familiar stick with a rag tied to the end, still not exactly sure what it was for, but I could guess and I shudder to think……..
Visited Dr Jain’s clinic which will be staple, he is amazing and willing to teach.
Ended the week with a trip to Goa which began on a bus that would not have been out of place in the arctic and being snuggled by a random tourist to keep in the heat, not necessarily my idea of a great night out!!!!! Although compared to Pen….. the nightlife was a step up.
The rest of the weekend will remain censored for your sake and mine, needless to say we bonded as a family and have many stories that require a couple of beers and darkness to divulge.
Again it was with sheer relief that we returned to Pen after another harrowing night on a frozen sleeper bus with a Mahrati lady who prefers to speak Hindi in her sleep and again enjoys a little snuggle……

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