Wednesday 5 September 2012

Bees and campfires kick off the Tanzania experience

COUNTRY: Tanzania
PROJECT: Building, renovation & conservation
WRITTEN BY: Tanzania Gappers 2012


We have safely arrived at camp in Tanga after a few days of flying and waiting around a hotel.

We got in last night and were given a very warm welcome and a tour around the campsite which is very picturesque right on the water. Our tents are very spacious and we were very relived to see we had proper toilets and I'm sure we'll quickly get used to cold showers (hopefully).

Our group has been growing each day and we now have a combination of volunteers from Australia, England and Holland.

We have been taught a few new Swahili words, I imagine we'll be pretty much fluent by the end.

We had some extra security on our first night with some of the dogs that live at the camp sneaking into our tent to stand guard.

The food has been delicious and we are quickly growing fond of our chef. We were driven into town this morning but so far have only seen the bank and the supermarket. Tonight a campfire is being held at the camp because one of the girl's is celebrating her 21st birthday. We are all very excited to start work on Monday and will update you all soon!

Also the bees are huge.

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