Thursday 24 January 2013

A bird's eye view of the Himalayas

COUNTRY: Nepal - Pokhara
PROJECT: Education
WRITTEN BY: Alyse Kendall
On Friday afternoon we hiked three hours from Sarangkot so that we could watch the beautiful sunrise over the Himalayas the following morning. The orange glow on the snow-capped mountains was a sight not to be missed. We then all plucked up the courage to run and jump off the edge of the mountain. Luckily we were strapped to a man with many years experience paragliding. Some people didn’t feel 100% after the corkscrew flying manoeuvres but nothing that lunch and a birthday cake for Sarah couldn’t fix. Heather and Clare have had some time to explore Pokhara and have spent their days walking, kayaking and zip lining. Jess has been really busy performing X-rays and ultrasounds. Each afternoon, after a busy day’s work she gets to experience how many people Nepal can squeeze onto one bus. Catherine loves being able to spend time with the adorable Nepalese children. Everyday she embraces her opportunity to teach them as much English as possible. Sarah and Sharon are settling into the different lifestyle at the Monastic School. They have been teaching pre-primary to year four. The children often have very creative and interesting answers.
Both Hannah’s and Alyse have been very creative with their teaching methods – showing the children how to jump like a kangaroo, climb like a koala, walk like a penguin and laugh like a kookaburra! Although we are extremely upset to be missing out on our delicious home cooked Tibetan food for the weekend, Chitwan will hopefully top it. This weekend we’ve booked in an elephant ride, a walking safari and plan to roast marshmallows on the fire. Lots to look forward to!

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