Hello everyone!
I'm back from two very busy weeks of travelling!
Lyon was a very beautiful city, plenty of good shopping, eating and drinking to be done, which is exactly what we did! I went with Laeticia (the ex-wife of my French father - the family dynamics are a little confusing) and we stayed for two nights at the home of her cousins. In total there were 6 girls, so it was a girls only weekend. We hired bikes, a very efficient way of getting around the city (and smells better than the subway too). We lunched at a typical French restaurant and went shopping in very expensive French stores. Needless to say, I bought nothing in those stores. Then home for dinner before heading out to the river that runs through Lyon, to go dancing... on a boat! Very peculiar place for a pub, but entertaining if nothing else!
Then home to the quiet town of Saint Pierre de Vassols (estimated population of 200 people), only to leave the next morning! Spent the week at the other grandparents, who are both very nice and welcoming. It was very sweet when Jean-Claude (the grandad) tried to show me how to work facebook, he thought I might need help. And even more sweet was waking up and having the lovely Jinette (grandma) prepare a delicious breakfast for me, freshly baked bread, home-made jam, tea and all laid out on a little tray! I'm being very spoilt, that's a certainty! The cousins came over for lunch and were all fascinated to know various facts about Australia.
Then again back to my tiny town, and again left the next morning, this time for the beautiful capital of France, Paris! Had a bit of trouble getting there, had to catch a train from Avignon to Marseille then to Paris... so 5 and a half hours later I finally get there! Then more trains, this time on the Metro (which for everyone's information smells terrible) to pick up Christophe, the friend of the family, to drive the two hours to the beautiful Normandie! We stayed with Lucille's parents, who are once more very very nice people. Normandie is amazingly beautiful and I considered never leaving it, but as always, all good things must end... Then onwards (or rather backwards) to Paris again! This time I stayed for a week with Christophe and Lucille. Lucille isn't working at the moment, so it was good to have a friend to do touristy things with. And half the things we did, she had never done before either (even though she's been living in Paris for 4 years). We saw the Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Arc de Triumph and took a day trip out to see the Chateau de Versailles. All very large and pretty!
It's good to be back home though, despite all the fun of travelling. The kids were very excited to see me again and have been very chatty with me lately too. They were thrilled with the free pens and pencils that I gave them (Lucille used to work for the company BIC - they make pens funnily enough). So I've attached photos of both travels and of the kids too for you all to see what life is like in France!
Much love to everyone!!
Love Brooke xoxo
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