Wednesday, 20 April 2011

New Global Education Program

The Global Education internship program is a new professional program based in China. Different from volunteer programs, this is a program that allows international students in Australia to gain meaningful work experience in China. With global interest in China increasing, both Chinese local and multinational companies are coveting graduates with international experience. Antipodeans works closely with over 150 companies including 500 Fortune companies in Beijing and Shanghai to provide a clear career path and potential for permanent employment after the internship.

"The Global Education internship program helped me find the internship with LehmanBrown in Shanghai. It saved me a lot of time and efforts. I have developed effective interpersonal, communication skills, and team work skills through this internship. Antipodeans contacted me regularly to ensure everything went smoothly. I will definitely recommend this program to my friends. It was such an excellent experience."
- Yang Liu, Auditing, LehmanBrown, Shanghai

"My internship was with, China’s most popular internet portal that serves millions of users every day. Working in this company was not just a privilege, but also an eye opener for me. As a graduate from Macquarie University, I found it very hard to find work. After this internship, I was offered a job at an international company in Beijing and worked in web development. This program really helped me start my career." 
- Jonathan Wong, Web development, SOHU.COM, Beijing

“During my time at CRI, I have established good connections with my colleagues. With the support of CRI and the in-country agent, I was able to integrate smoothly into with the Chinese working life, sometimes working overtime on weekends to meet deadlines as well as participating in their annual swimming competition. I have thoroughly enjoyed the internship and through it, I have gained a better understanding of my future career direction.” 
- Lisa Liu, Online English Department at China Radio International, Beijing

Info Nights

There are regular Global Education Information Nights held in Sydney, with the next on the 18th of May. Free workshops in different universities are ongoing throughout the year. Over 100 students attended the UTS workshop last week, which was a fantastic success. These sessions are great opportunities for students to get more information about our Global Education internship program and ask questions directly to staff members.

To apply for a Global Education placement in China students need to follow the following steps. Students need to send in their resume, cover letter and a photo to June Yue on An Antipodeans staff member will be in contact shortly for a telephone interview. Students can then choose their preferred location between Beijing and Shanghai for a 4 to 24 weeks internship in their area of interests. Applications are opening now for both the winter holidays (June -July) and summer break (December - February).

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