Ok well, it has been just over a week from my last blog and A LOT has happened!
So from the start, we were on our way to meet our new families, it seriously felt like we were all orphans being thrown into our new family for three months!
I, among with all the other girls were very nervous. Maja and I met our family first, they were not as welcoming as we wished for, but Henry, our host father, was really nice. We then went back onto the road and dropped MA and Erin at their family and we were welcomed by the whole neighbourhood of jumping children! Eliza and Iona's family were next and their two little host sisters ran up to them and hugged them, it was very cute.
Monday was an exciting day,we all met at the shell station and hoped in a tro-tro and headed to the helping hand orphanage. When the kids saw us they sprinted to us and gave us huge hugs :) All they want is to be hugged. The orphans just fell asleep in our arms. We spent the first day just playing with them, and we had to work especially hard to make them smile! They taught us songs, we taught them, and I serously felt like Maria in the sound of music singing to the children! On tuesday we did some gardening for the orphange, planting some hedges etc, but we soon realised that all us girls were pretty hopless as seth always came to the rescue to complete digging a hole! I seriously want to take all the little children home, especially Stefan, a 5 month old boy, he is very cute!
On Wednesday we planned to paint but as it was raining, we decided to clean out the whole inside, especially the supply closet. the kids happily joined in trying to find the missing pieces to puzzles! Thursday we spent painting a room blue and green! I have come to a conclusion that Maja is the pro painter, Erin is the perfectionist, Iona is the spaz some how getting blue in the middle of the green wall, MA is the breaker (she broke a chair and ended uppainting the window), eliza is the shorty who always used that as an excuse not to paint at the top and me well i like to think i was a good painter, but the mess across the whole floor...that was me!
Friday arvo we caught a tro-tro to a well needed break at Cape Coast. $5 a night accommodation turned out pretty nice. It was eliza's 19th birthday so we shouted her dinner, we had pizza and it was amazing to have WESTERN FOOD AGAIN! We finished the night with a competitve game of UNO, and Erin ended up winning, I shall get her next time!
We visted Cape Coast castle on the Saturday which was so beautiful and interesting to learn about. we went through the slave dungeons and cells and it is so weird to think that we are walking on the same ground as the slaves did 300 years ago. We did a bit of shopping and then had a cocktail on the beach, now this is what i am talking about! The waves were to strong to swim, somehow i ended up getting dumped in the shallows and knocking into a woman!
Sunday we tried to go to the market, but our 2 taxis got separated some how so we ended up forgetting the market and went straight to Kakum national park :) The canopy walk was a joy, Eliza was terrified and walked like an old woman the whole way, while I enjoyed scaring everyone jumping and swaying on the 40m high rope bridges! After an hour wait on the side of a road for a free tro tro, we finally got back to cape coast then back home! It was a good weekend away and really good to hang with all the girls again :)
Maja and I start teaching tomrorrow and i shall fill you in on the next blog :)
I'll leave you now and finish our quest for the cheapest digestive biscuits in swedru :)
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