Above is a photograph of a few boys Tom, Cob, Maddie and I played soccer with. To start they were quite shy but once we got on the field and started playing stacks of other kids flocked to the field. We lasted under and hour cause it was so hot and enjoyed our cold showers (sulfur smell and all). Shortly after my shower I was sitting in the common room with the other volunteers when Lucy came in and asked if I had the key to our room. I replied that I'd left it in the usual spot. She then asked if I'd left the outside connecting door open to which I said no because I'd left the inside door open. "oh..well why is it locked then?". At this stage Mads admitted that she'd used our bathroom and closed the door which had locked automatically. We gave Asad a call who got Gardia (who busts the best moves on the island) to try every single key they had in both doors but none of them worked. At this stage Chappey was involved and assured Lucy and I that by the time we needed to go to bed the room would be open. A few minutes later Gardia walks in with a hammer and starts smashing the handle. Frustrated with Gardias poor attempts Chappey takes over and finally busts the door open. We're pretty happy we can get into our room and the small loss of privacy is not too high a price. I took a pretty funny video but it's too big to upload so a photo of where our door handle should be will have to suffice.
The last two days have been amazing.
We stayed the night at an (nearly: population 3) uninhabited island which is about a 30-40min boat trip from Thinadoo.
I can't remember the last time I've felt this carefree.
It had the best snorkeling I've seen yet with a sweet reef shelf. I spotted a few turtles and on the last morning I saw a shark.
At night the phosphorus (not sure how to spell that) would light up in flashes along the sand so it looked like hundreds of lights were burried beneath the sand. There were also thousands and thousands of medium sized crabs every where and the boys enjoyed throwing them at the feet of the girls to make them scream. Asad, Chappey, Ali & Co organised some games for us to play, including beach football, tubing, dancing and crab racing. They had also bought prizes for us and Lucy and I ended up with the same hat which has become a bit of a running joke between us.
I've finished my first book and now onto the next one. At this rate I might actually finish the small library I've taken with me. Thankfully tomorrow is another free day so we can all sleep in as most of us are sleep deprived and a little sun struck.
How do you justify nearly 3000$? I joined a program this summer through volunteer Maldives for half this price! It was absolutely amazing. I was recommended the program by a friend who was with them in January and I'm so glad she did! They were fantastic and really made us feel like their friends! It was a wonderful experience and the Maldives is amazing!