Monday, 8 August 2011

Bec & George say goodbye to India

 A time for sad goodbyes…
I am writing our last blog with 2 more days remaining in the amazing city of Udaipur, which George and I have called home for the past 3 months. We would firstly like to take this opportunity to thank all
the staff who have helped us over these past three months and who have practically been like our older brothers, sisters and mums. We will never forget our experiences here in India and especially those here in the channel youth house. We would also like to thank Antipodeans for giving us this opportunity and for Sophie and all the staff for making it happen.

As we finish up our time on the Antipodeans Program we would like to reflect on what our time has been like. For those of you who have been following our progress you would know all about what adventures we have had and the challenges we have faced. Our time in India has been truly amazing; it has been full of great times, fun trips and awesome people! If you are reading this and wondering where to go on your gap break, I would say that India is the place to go!

Our teaching experience is definitely an experience that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. We were truly blessed by our amazing day care kids, everyday they were there smiling and laughing.
They really did make ours days there that much better. We have seen so much improvement over the past 3 months, from the quite, shy kids we first were introduced to. They can now count to 10, say most of the letters in the alphabet, make all the sounds of the animals and know the colours. Their favourite songs are alice the camel, twinkle twinkle little star and the crocodile song, even if half the time its
only George and I singing. We will definitely miss our cute little arangabarri (day care) kids!

As well as daycare, we have had the amazing opportunity to work with the orphanage boys! They are all great kids! We have mostly spent our time there playing games and doing craft, but in the past 3 weeks we have been able to teach them. We teach 5th and 6th grade and they are so smart! They love maths and spelling. We will miss them all very much and wish them all the best of luck!

The past two weeks we have just been going about the normal day to day routine of life in the channel youth house. We have been hectically trying to buy last minute gifts for family and friends and been doing the last bites of sight seeing, such as city palace. We are having our final goodbye dinner tonight and slowly packing our things for our departure. We have been taking lots of photos of our school kids and orphanage boys!

Before we came, I raised approx. $450 to go towards our project. We would finally like to announce that with this money they will buy winter jumpers for the kids and put the rest of the money towards building a wall at the orphanage and any supplies that they need.

I guess as this blog comes to an end, so does our time in India. Both George and I will be traveling the world after this, heading out on new adventures. We can’t wait to share with you all the full Indian
experience once we are back on Australian soil.

Take Care.

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