Friday, 10 May 2013

The famous 5 land in Tribhuvan Airport, Nepal

PROJECT: Teaching
WRITTEN BY: Phoebe Ingram

Namaste from Nepal!

Last Wednesday, five incredibly excited gap breakers arrived at a chaotic Tribhuvan International Airport, ready for our three month adventure! Our first few days were a crazy mixture of acclimatising to Nepali time and life, and also learning about our placement. We met our in country agent Kabita, and all her other affiliates, who were incredibly friendly and welcoming. For the first few days, from 10 - 3, we were given orientation classes about education, tourism and our families in Nepal. It was a fast paced, active few lessons that made us all eager for the challenges ahead!

We were even lucky enough to be taken for a welcome dinner with our new KEEP friends. This was filled with many photos and cries of 'Morgan, you want a beer?', 'Morgan?', 'Morgan, look here!'.
In the afternoons we roamed the streets of Thamel. Chaos doesn't even begin to sum up these streets. People and cars are everywhere, with a road system that just doesn't exist, they drive where they want. This leads to a cacophony of car horns and shouting people that, is incredible. However, amidst this, bundling through the streets you encounter new delicious smells, shops bustling with jewellery, Nepali clothing and some of the worlds nicest people. It just makes the place so much more impressive and exciting, and one can't forget the cows and goats walking the streets alongside us.
Saturday, we bundled into a van, Nepali time of course, and explored the truly beautiful sights and colours of the country from the monkey temple to the Kumari in Durbar Square.

Finally the next day, we made the trek down to our village, Macchegaun, where we were warmly greeted by our lovely host families. Though most of them speak little English, we make do, particularly enjoying our daily Daal Baht and tea. All of us have been given Nepali names, so homes are filled with cries of 'Dipa?'(Meg) and 'Hajur?' (What?). And we adore sitting outside on the grass and roof top admiring the view of the mountains that put shame to our 'mountains' in Australia - or as our host brother says, 'rocks'. It's funny to realise how much we already feel at home here with our families.

School is a whole new world of excitement. Kasha and Abby venture out to a small primary school on a hill, where we hope to achieve some goals with our fundraising money as they lack many resources. Meanwhile, Morgan, Meg and I teach at a slightly bigger secondary school fifteen minutes away. We're all enjoying getting to know the children and the teachers, and whilst it's a challenge in many different ways trying to teach, it's rewarding to be helping these adorable children.
Perhaps a very important part of homestay, is our daily action packed nights of UNO with our host families, which has become quite famous. I think we've taught almost everyone how to play. It's hilarious.

It's impossible not to love with this unique country. Despite most of us being hit with a small bout of sickness, the relaxed pace of life 'Nepali time', children and people keep the smile on your face. Not to mention the deliciously sugary tea, which I think most of us have had one too many cups of!
Looking forward to what's to come!


  1. Wish you all the best for the 2 months! I wish i was there now. I am sure it's gonna be awesome. Have fun guys!
