Wednesday 27 August 2008

My Ghana Experience

Final Comments from GapBreak Ghana Students (April - July 2008)

“I had never left my country of origin before this trip, so I can happily say I have been immersed in a country’s culture and lifestyle that is vastly unlike my own, something completely alien to me, and I have enjoyed and embraced almost every aspect! I believe that in being forced to interact with individuals that I wouldn’t normally back in Australia, I have grown in communication skills, patience, and most importantly been humbled in relation to my perceptions of others in comparison to myself.”
-Lucy Hugh-Jones

“Staying in a village and then travelling around Ghana at the end really gives you a full experience, nothing like just sitting in a tour bus. I feel like I have grown as a person and become more mature and confident because of the programme.”
-Rosemary Venman

“Between restaurants bringing out meals from 45 mins- 2 hrs later, to tro-tros not having change, to our family members not knowing when to leave our room, to an ATM eating my bankcard, I have definitely become more patient. I am so grateful I have this opportunity and I would not have changed any of the bumps in the road that I have experienced. This is very cliché, but ‘what doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger.’”
-Alana Andrews

“I feel I have gained a lot more confidence while in Ghana because there are so many things that I had to deal with by myself and it made me a lot more confident. I felt I fully experienced another culture and learnt a lot about the Ghanaian culture. The home-stay really helped me experience the culture as I could see how the food was prepared and how Ghanaians live.”
-Victoria Rebbeck

“I feel great, having come here and realising how amazing life can be when appreciating the simple joys of living! I hope that back home, I can bring this sense of self actualisation and retain this level of contentment!”
-Ashleigh Whittaker

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