Thursday, 12 February 2009

Jess on her nursing placement in Thailand - UniBreak Group Griffith Uni

This is the life...

Hello again from Surin,

The weekend just gone on Koh Samet island was amazing, just gorgeous.
We went on one of those banana boat things down there and it was hilariously funny, all of us trying to clamber back on it after everytime we fell off!! At one stage i was even riding it backwards facing one of the other girls. All i could think of while i was on it was 'this is the BEST prac i have ever been on and nursing abroad is the coolest!'. The half an hour of laughs was well worth the $10 we payed for it! That afternoon i had my hair braided into 66 plats on the beach which covers my hair styles for the next two weeks which i am sure will also be well worth the money! That night we hit the beach for the night life and saw an amazing fire show. There were about 6 guys throwing fire sticks way up in the air and catching them. Pretty cool to watch. We stayed at that pub for a little while and had a few drinks. They sell their spirits by the bucket there, in a bucket like one that you would play with in the sand, preferably after you had drunk out of it though!! Myself and one of the other girls went home early, at about 12:30, i think i must be getting old, cant hack it anymore!!

We are back in Surin now, bit depressing compared to the beautiful island as its very dry and dusty here. On Monday i went and rode elephants bare back through rice paddies. It was the most amazing thing, they took us to this house, where the elephants were just hanging out in their front yard eating some sugar cane!! We got on them and you literally just sit on a mat that they put on their backs and tie a rope around it to hold onto and off you go. We went down to the river and the other elepants all rolled over so the other girls fell off into the water, mine just decided to do a poo the size of a small child and all i could think was 'dont you dare roll into that now!!". She didnt thank goodness cause i would have been covered in it! We then rode through the villages farm area and it was so green and lush, then we hit the rice paddies and i was just in awe, the most gorgeous shade of green for as far as your eyes could see. It was such a priveledge to be taken there as they dont advertise it, its not a tourist destination (even though the only tourist here are old men looking for thai brides... oh and us!!). It was just amazing to think that i will be one of the few westerners that got to see this beautiful untouched piece of thailand, oh and the rest of you when you look at the pics!!

We are back at work doing nursing stuff now! The other day at the clinic we went out into the local village and people came from everywhere while we checked blood pressures and blood sugar levels and then the patients saw the nurse. It was like a big production line but they all thought it was pretty exciting having a few 'farang' as we are called checking up on their health! We also went and saw the most gorgeous little boy who had spinabifita, he was so happy, blowing us all kisses and laughing with us and letting us take pics of him. Its amazing to see so many people over here with literally nothing but the roof over their heads and they are so happy. It really is the simple things in life that make them happy.

There is a silk village near Surin where they hand make and sell thai silk. It was all very beautiful and i bought heaps of stuff!! I went for a wander into the building where they make it. They probably thought i was a weirdo standing there watching them but i was just fasinated by how they did it and now i know why its so expensive!!

Today we learnt traditional thai medicine and massage off a doctor that practices it. He told us what element we all were from our birthdays. I am water which means i am extreamly caring and generous apparently, so dont ask me for anything unreasonable cause i might not be able to say no!!!

After all of us trying to massage each other we had to go and have yet another massage this afternoon. They are amazing, an hour and a half for $9!! I am seriously thinking about putting one of the massage ladies in my luggage and bringing her home with me, just have to work out a plan of how to get her through customs!!

Anyways i must go and pick up my washing from the washing machine thats strapped to the wall of the general store... weird really!!

Going over to cambodia this weekend so i will email again next week with some more fasinating stories for you all : )

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