Monday, 7 December 2009

PLC in Dharamsala

HEY guys! India is absolutely awesome!

From our last blog about our day of sightseeing in Dehli, we have had a bit of a hectic couple of days. We are having the most amazing time. On the 5th of December, yesterday, we woke up at 4:00am to catch the 5:00 Malwa express to Chakibank which was a 7 hour journey on a sleeper cabin. When we got to the station, we were a bit shocked with some of the poverty we witnessed. We saw families sleeping in the streets, human faeces on the station, and frail beggars. Milan took us to the station where we said our goodbyes after him being our great tour guide around Dehli. We all looovvveeeddd him. We gave him a large tip, which he initially refused, but after a bit of encouragement, he accepted our hearty thanks of fifty dollars, an amazing sum of money in india. However, not all was running smoothly. After arriving at the station we were told that our train was delayed by 50 minutes! Eventually the train arrived at the station, and let me just say, I will NEVER take our trains for granted again. It was very different! We were squished onto this packed, smelly, dodgy looking train, accompanied by the unrelenting stares we attracted from men! On the train, we talked to some indian people who were very eager to know more about us. At one stage we found ourselves caught in a group sing along of 'Jai Ho'. It was quite an experience. Many group photos were taken of us and the indian people and lots of laughs. The train ride was long, but very fun. A memorable point was the men on chai runs and the interestng food that we ate along the way. Once we arrived at Chakibank, we were followed by a stray dog that was particularly interested in Miss Wheaton. Emma, being the only one immune to Rabes, was quite comfortable, and did not step in to help! We were greeted by some friendly men from Middlepath with a sign to greet us saying 'Preamble Ladies College'. We laughed. We were driven in 3 vans to dharamsala in an epic and hectic journey of little road rules and INSANE driving. Along the way we stopped for a well deserved lunch at a Jyoti's Palace, a beautiful restaraunt where we sat outside to eat. Some of us ate a bit too much (Amy) and felt a bit carsick on the bumpy and twisty ride home. She was fine. We travelled for about 3 hours, the craziest drive of our lives, but we got there in the end to our Hotel Bagsu in Dharamsala. The next day we awoke to the most beautiful scenery of snow capped mountains, valleys and small winding streets packed with markets and people. We visited the dalai lama's residence and the Tibetan Temple which was very inspiring. It is so different to the hustle and bustle of Delhi and the peacefullness is welcomed, putting us in the right frame of mind for the trek. After we have a bit of a shop in the markets buying all your christmas presents, we are heading to our cooking class we have booked to learn how to cook butter chicken, chiparti and kheer. It is very clean here and everyone seems a lot happier and friendlier. there have been no cases of Dehli Belly and all are feeling fit as fiddles. We hope our cooking class will not break this record! Thanks to Zara for her knowledge of the hindu language that has been a great help, and everyone else who makes our group such a happy environment. Missing you all. Lots of love!


  1. Great to hear that you are all well, fit & luving the experience. Sounds ver different to the beach volleyball carnival at Hermidale. tell the locals that the price of chick peas is on the rise in OZ. They should eat up... & buy now!!
    Hope you all continue on in greatness. What an amazing experience!!! Cheers from Miss Wheaton's Dad. :)

  2. Great to hear you are enjoying the different culture and having fun. Granny Wheels!

  3. Hi Guys
    So pleased to hear you are all surviving the sub continent and enjoying youselves. However it is a right of passage to get Delhi-belly. I am also pleased to hear Emma has not petted any stray dogs even though she is fully immunised. I hope you are being kind to Miss Belle and Mr. Bulmer and keeping track of all your equipment!. We are all very envious but missing you heaps. Looking forward to eating some of that authentic butter chicken when you get home. Hugs to all.
    Emma's mum

  4. Hi to all you intrepid travellers!

    Love reading your blogs, they bring smiles to all our faces. Keep up the detail as we love it!!

    Great to know Amy is eating well and loving the food. She usually does!

    Keep warm on your trek and take lots of photos. Cant wait to hear all your stories.

    Miss you heaps and see you soon.

    Amy's family

  5. Hi trekkers. Hope you're all coping, living the wonders of India & staying well. Hey Belle, I'm in Young staying with Mark, Jeneane & Joey. They send their luv. Joey seems intrigued with Delhi belly. Can't help but think he sees it as just lots of "pop-offs"!
    Yesterday (Tuesday) was hot, dry, windy & dangerous. Bad fires around Harden, Wallendbeen & Wombat. A John Deere header, Stieger tractor & chaser bin went up in smoke. Almost a million dollars worth of machinery burnt. Some crops were lost, 2 or 3 houses lost plus a few thousand hectares of land burnt including wheat crops. SES, local bush fire brigades & town fire brigades rallied to save the day & did a fantastic job. Good news today, it's cooler, wind has dropped, fires under control, no lives lost, nobody hurt, machinery & crops are insured.
    Stay healthy & continue to marvel as you encounter each experience. Miss you Belle & luv you lots. From Miss Wheaton's dad :)

  6. Hi All!

    Enjoying reading about your trip - it sounds like an amazing experience. PMSL at the rabies dog being attracted to 'Miss Wheaton' - good to hear that, even abroad, weird stuff just heads your way Belle!
    Hope the rest of the trip is great!
    Luv Clare, Maddie & Joey!

  7. Hi everyone, glad to hear you're all enjoying your time in India, reading your blog we're all very jealous! Hope none of you have got sick yet, although, by the sounds of it, with the help of your mobile hospital you'll be feeling better again in no time! Make the most of your last week in India and we look forward to seeing you soon! With love from Megan (Nuala: Mum and Rory say hi but they're in Darwin at the mo so don't really have internet access...) xxx

  8. Hey everyone!
    Omg it sounds like you are all having soooo much fun! Hahahaha that is so amy to have bigger eyes than her stomach can handle ;) Can't wait till you all get back and tell us amazing stories of your hike, sight seeing etc.

    See you soon,
    Ali xxx

  9. Hi All
    Hope all is going well and that your trek and visit to the school have gone really well. We are looking forward to your next message!
    All is well here, we can't wait for the Christmas break and your return.

    lots of love
    the Curry-Hydes

  10. Hi all,
    Hope you all enjoyed your trek and community project. We were worried to hear you have hurt your hand, Amy. Hope its all better now. Can`t wait to read your next blog! I`m sure you have all had some pretty amazing experiences so far. Maybe you can use that 15 hour bus trip to reflect on how much you have achieved in your journey so far!
    Miss you lots,
    Amys family

  11. Hope all is still going well and that you're all fit and healthy. Looking forward to your next blog to hear all about your trek and community project.
    This month is flying by so not much of the great adventure left, enjoy your last few days and I look forward to seeing you all in Delhi.
    Anne (Fin's mum)
