Sunday, 6 December 2009

SCEGGS A & B - Uganda

Both of the SCEGGS teams have arrived safely in Kampala.

The teams enjoyed a nice rest at Tal Cottages after their long flight. Now they are preparing at Kikandwa for tomorrow's open day at the school.


  1. Hi Adriana, glad to hear u arrived safely. We love u and miss u already xxx

  2. hi imo
    Daddy & I are glad you are there safely. We are all missing you, especially the boys.
    Happy dormitory construction.
    love mummy & daddy

  3. Hi Lizzie,
    Hope you enjoyed the Open Day at Kikandwa. We are looking forward to reading the Blog updates to hear what you have been doing. We are all missing you, especially Archie!love Mum, Dad & Ted

  4. Hi Ming,

    We are glad to know you have arrived safely. We miss you also Wally does.Syd FC won!!

    Wish you to enjoy every moment there.

    Love from Mum and HF

  5. Hi Pip and all the girls,

    Glad you had a safe trip. Have a great few days building the dorm. And hope that the weather and food goes well.

    Love Mum Dad and Soph

  6. From Tildy:

    Hey Mim,

    About to come home to my warm bed (well actually, your warm bed!)

    Hope you're having a lovely time and DON'T get sick or anything.



  7. Hey Steph,

    Enjoy your time in Africa!!!!!

    Love you and miss you lots.......... & of course see you soooooon!

    Mum, Jianni, James, Ally & Violet.

  8. Em-J lots of love and hope all is going well with you. love Jane..xxxx :) Nigel says Jambo Bwana...keep safe and big kiss xxxx J

  9. Hi Rosie
    Glad you arrived safely. Keep away from Lions, tigers and anything else that can do severe gdamage
    lots of love Dad xxxxoooo

  10. Hi Rosie
    Happy travels - hope you see the big 5. We're looking forward to following in you're African footsteps.

    Love to you Dra and Sophie

  11. Rosie
    you left your phone at you want me to drop it over to you? Or should I just pt the texts on this blog
    lots of love dadxxxxoooo

  12. Claudie!

    Right on sista, you is rockin' my world init minger! I miss you wicked much!

    Can't wait to hear the stories, make the most of everything you do! and bring me back something special

    Liv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Hi Eloise,
    We are glad to hear you arrived safely and we are all missing you.
    The open day at the school sounded amazing, it is 40 degrees here and a bushfire on Mt Tamarang but everyone is ok lots of love from us all mum xxxx oooo

  14. Rosie
    Aee you not talking to me on purpose or are you holed up int ehjungle with only the apes to talk to
    Love dad xxxooo

  15. Hi Caitriona, Greetings from Bali. Hope you are having a great time - glad to hear that you all arrived safely. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love Mum, Dad and Ailish

  16. Rosie
    have you met any animals we know?
    dad xxxooo
