Sunday, 6 December 2009

PLC - India

Hey Family and friends,

WE ARE IN INDIA hooray! .... Namaste 
The 2 flights were ... interesting 
Sydders (sydney) to Bangers (bangkok) was ... long but we survived the 9 hour flight by 
Karina - spilling drinks 
Finula - imitating the person infront of her 
Zara - talking LOUDLY 
Annelly - staring at the drunk Aussies 
Jon - eating , eating  and eating 
Mr Bulmer sleeping zzzzzzz
Emma - Making FRIENDSHIP braclets 
Amy - talking to Ruth 
Ruth- talking to Amy 
Shelly - talking to Jazzy lum who happened to be on the flight 
Miss Wheaton - sleeping with her sunglasses on 
Once in bangkok , Amy wanted to walk the 15 mins to Phuket ... lol 
millions of card games later ( 4 hours) we boarded the 2nd plane where we all slept   
or tried to...
IN DELHI  and we met Milan ( yay)
drove to the hotel and zara annelly and shelly got the BEST room EVERRRRRR
we walked across the road for breakfast of IDLY DOSA VADA NAAN  and coffeeeeeee for Jon
our first taste of india .... THEN WE MET MILAN AGAIN
and he took us too Gandhi's Museum we was very inspirational and full of technology FUN
then we went to INDIA GATE which was big and sad :( lots of people with cotton candy people
we saw a potential mail order bride getting photographed in her tight tights and low top :o
(lots of men crowded around her) 
Then MILAN took us to lunch/ SPlash restaurant which was expensive ( amy ruth fin and karina broke the bill with 1245 rupeeeeees) 
Then MILAN took us to Gandhi's burial place where fin and karina had photo shoot with lots of potential indian suitors hahahaha 
then when we went to leave the bus had broken down (the fan died) and we called a hospital 3 times to book rooms to stay hahaha whoops 
India so far has been an eye opening experience by seeing the absolute poverty against total happiness of the locals. the food is great!
here are some piccys

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone. It's Sid. glad you're all having a good time.

    Miss you guys soooooo much! Karina, your dad gave me the blog site so now I can stalk you around India. Hope everything is going well. It's really hot in aus and perfect beach weather (but neither of you are here to share it with me!) oh well. Can't wait to here lots more about your adventures.
    Love Sid xoxox
