Friday, 17 May 2013

All dressed up for a Nepali wedding

PROJECT: Teaching
WRITTEN BY: Abby Schmidt

Hello all, Abby here just checkin' in all the way from the small village of Macchegaun Nepal. Sorry I haven't been able to update more regularly, the power comes on when it feels like in Nepal!
Last weekend, Kasia, Morgan and I went to a Nepalese wedding. We were dressed in the traditional sari attire with some lippy and eye shadow to top it off. We looked stunning as we were walking down the gravel road on our way to the grooms home, we got many curious stares our way. We made our way gracefully into the home and as we entered we were blessed with a ticka on the top of our foreheads. I felt like a true Nepalese woman. We were no longer the black sheep in the herd. The 2 and half hours spent on the bus were well worth it when we arrived at the brides house. The food was delish, rice, beans, potato, lentils and SPICE!

We left the house with food bellies and just missed the bus back to the grooms house so we had to wait 2 hours until the next bus. Time means nothing here in Nepal! We arrived back at the grooms house 4 hours later! Still in high spirits we joined the women for a solid Nepalese boogie. It's coming to the end of a working week and we're going in to Kathmandu tomorrow for a western meal and some shopping. My family has adopted a little girl, aged 10 who lived in a small remote village. It takes 4 hours to reach a road where the bus comes to get into Kathmandu. It has no school, electricity or transport in and out of the village. She will start grade 3 next week.


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