Friday, 17 May 2013

Question and answer with GapBreak Argentina

COUNTRY: Argentina
PROJECT: Care Work
WRITTEN BY: Kelvin Wicks

Almost half way through our travels here in Buenos Aires and much has indeed changed. Many of our foreign friends have left the roadhouse, the days are becoming cooler and Bronte got a haircut in a club. For this weeks blogs a questionnaire has been compiled and hopefully this will provide an alternate insight into the trip so far.

Favourite food in Argentina?
- Brontë: Dulce de leche (similar to caramel and used in many desserts)
- Kelvin: Choripan (the local sausage)
- Evie: Steak (Argentines have excellent meat)
- Jessie: ice cream
- Tom: fabricas pizza

Highlight of the trip?
- Brontë: Going to Mendoza and wine tasting
- Jessie: Andes
- Kelvin: Andes and ultimate frisbee
Most beautiful sight?
- Andes general consensus

Best cultural experience?

- Kelvin: Ultimate frisbee in the park with the locals
- Jessie, Evie: Markets
- Sheena: La Boca

What have you been most surprised about here?
- Brontë: Amount of western influence in this city
- Evie: Holds a European feel
- Kelvin: The amount of pizza places
- Tom: Lack of indicating by motorists

Have you been disappointed about any aspects of Argentina?
- Brontë: Not as of yet but if I had to say something it would be the exchange rate
- Jessie: The lack of cultural diversity
- Evie: Haven't learnt as much Spanish as initially intended

Thoughts on volunteering?
- Brontë: Volunteering program as a whole holds many important aspects involving a structure for care and support for children living in these poor conditions which I think is great
- Antonia: It's hard to really make a difference due to the structure and the fact it isn't a classroom
- Jessie: Since its an after school care environment many of us feel we're keeping the kids off the street and this makes our work feel important

Most rewarding aspect of volunteering?

- Brontë: Building relationships with kids
- Jessie: Forming a different view of the world
- Antonia: Seeing the kids smile when they see you

What have you found most difficult about volunteering?
- Brontë: Language barrier
- Jessie:,Earning respect from older kids due to language barrier
- Evie: It can be tiring

Thoughts on the roadhouse?
- Brontë: Good place to meet people in such an international environment, meeting people from America, England and other various countries
- Everyone: Meeting new people

What are you looking forward to in the coming weeks?
- General consensus: Iguazu falls

Best purchase?

- Brontë: Fur coat from op shop and pope shirt
- Kelvin: Messi top
- Jessie, Evie and Antonia: Market items

Missing home?
- Brontë, Kelvin, Tom, Ed: Not really
- Evie: Missing more people then home
- Jessie: Missing privacy

If you could have one thing fom Australia, what would it be?
- Sheena: My dog

- Brontë: Mothers cooked food
- Kelvin: Weetbix, vegemite and AFL
- Antonia: Healthy food
- Evie: Laptop
- Jessie: Boyfriend
- Tom: Xbox or dog

If you could stay in Argentina longer would you?
- Kelvin, Brontë:Yes, yes
- Evie: Good length of time, definitely return

Have you found it easy to integrate into the culture?
- Kelvin: Language wise with the local slang it definitely has been but seeing that Argentina has had quite a European influence it has otherwise felt quite easy

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